5 Minutes of Torah
"5 minutes of Torah" is an initiative to give us a 5 - 10 minute break from work for Torah every work day. We send and post a 5 - 10 minute shiur on all different topics of Torah from a large range of speakers offering all different perspectives on topics ranging from the weekly Torah portion to Halacha to Tefilah and anything else in between
587 episodes
1/21/2025 - Rabbi Simcha Herzog / Did the Jewish People deserve servitude?
Did the Jewish People deserve servitude?
1/15/2025 - Avrumi Mandelbaum / Why Klal Yisroel had to be slaves
Why Klal Yisroel had to be slaves
1/14/2025 - Elly Slomowitz / You're alive, you're in the game!
You're alive, you're in the game!
1/10/2025 - Evan Bernstien / Special Edition of 5 minutes of Torah on the topic of Asarah BTeves
Special Edition of 5 minutes of Torah on the topic of Asarah BTeves
1/9/2025 - Dovid Friedman / The Practical Advice for all Hatzlacha in the Brocha of Ephraim and Menashe
The Practical Advice for all Hatzlacha in the Brocha of Ephraim and Menashe
1/8/2025 - Nissin Ackerman / What's wrong with translating the Torah?
What's wrong with translating the Torah?
1/7/2025 - Dr Michael Sokolow / Grandpa Yaakov and Great-Grandpa Lavan
Grandpa Yaakov and Great-Grandpa Lavan
1/6/2025 - Shmuli Goldburd / Using our father's name or our mother's name in tefilah
Using our father's name or our mother's name in tefilah
1/2/2025 - Rabbi Mordy Raizman / Seizing the moment of inspiration chanukkah
Seizing the moment of inspiration chanukkah
12/30/2024 - Dovid Friedman / Chanuka and Thanking Hashem through Halacha
Chanuka and Thanking Hashem through Halacha