5 Minutes of Torah
"5 minutes of Torah" is an initiative to give us a 5 - 10 minute break from work for Torah every work day. We send and post a 5 - 10 minute shiur on all different topics of Torah from a large range of speakers offering all different perspectives on topics ranging from the weekly Torah portion to Halacha to Tefilah and anything else in between
613 episodes
3/6/2025 - Rabbi Leiby Burnhan / Why is Moshe omitted from Tetzaveh specifically
Why is Moshe omitted from Tetzaveh specifically

3/5/2025 - Avrumi Mandelbaum / the origins of חייב איניש לבסומי
the origins of חייב איניש לבסומי

3/4/2025 - Shloimy Zelcer / Giving Tzedakah Part 2 - Unverified collectors
Giving Tzedakah Part 2 - Unverified collectors

3/3/2025 - Gedaliah Wielgus / The Limits of Lo Sa’amod Al Dam Re’echa
The Limits of Lo Sa’amod Al Dam Re’echa

2/26/2025 - Shloimy Zelcer / Giving Tzedakah Part 1 - The obligation to give
Giving Tzedakah Part 1 - The obligation to give

2/25/2025 - Evan Bernstein / Practical cases of בּוֹרֵר on שַׁבָּת
Practical cases of בּוֹרֵר on שַׁבָּת

2/20/2025 - Yossi Fine / Being Mechanech yourself to be Mechanech others
Being Mechanech yourself to be Mechanech others

2/19/2025 - Rabbi Herschel Scheinberg / כמים הפנים לפנים - Life changing lesson on relationships
כמים הפנים לפנים - Life changing lesson on relationships

2/13/2025 - Rabbi Mordy Raizman / A deeper look into the Aseres Hadibros
A deeper look into the Aseres Hadibros

2/11/2025 - Alan Lebowitz / Parshas Yisro - How to respond to miracles
Parshas Yisro - How to respond to miracles